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How Much Will Health Care Cost?

Oct. 9, 2019:

Retirement health-care costs will vary depending on your health and longevity, but it may help to have a guideline. These are the estimated savings required for an individual or couple who turned 65 in 2019 to have a 90% chance of meeting expenses for Medicare Part B health insurance, Part D prescription drug coverage, Medigap Plan F, and out-of-pocket drug costs, assuming median prescription drug expenses.* These estimates do not include services not covered by Medicare or Medigap.

*Medigap Plan F is used for these estimates because it is the most comprehensive coverage available and simplifies the calculation. However, this plan may not be available for new beneficiaries after January 1, 2020. Current enrollees may keep Plan F, and most other plans will remain available for new enrollees.

Source: Employee Benefit Research Institute, 2019

Provided by Doug Fletcher - Prepared by Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. Copyright 2019.


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*Source: PWC Employee Financial Wellness Survey, 2018. 

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