Sept. 4, 2018:
Q: We are thinking about improving our financial education for employees, in hopes that it will have a positive effect on savings rates. The problem is finding topics that interest our employees. What are other companies doing?
A: You are right that general financial education, in addition to education specific to the 401(k) plan, can encourage employees to save more for retirement. Topics like budgeting, debt management and reduction, and finding ways to save on household purchases may allow employees to feel more confidence in contributing more of their income to the plan. In turn, that can lead to improved retirement readiness. It’s wise to consider employee interests when selecting topics, because there is some disconnect between what employers think is important for employees to know, and what employees really want to know. For example, 81% of employees want more education about how to obtain life insurance, but only 68% of employers thought they would. 47% of employees want to know about saving for children’s education, compared to 24% of plan sponsors. And refinancing or paying off student debt is on the minds of 46% of employees, but just 18% of employers said it was important. You might consider an employee survey to identify the financial topics that are truly on the minds of your employees. That way, you may get greater participation in the sessions—as well as in the 401(k) plan.
Read more in the Alight 2018 Hot Topics in Retirement and Financial Wellbeing report, here: https://tinyurl.com/Alight2018HotTopics
Provided by Doug Fletcher - Prepared by Kmotion, Inc. Copyright 2018.